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Taifeng Home Textile Wins ※Award for Best Quality Goods In China Home Textile§ 每 Topping the Industry for Quality

Updated: 2011-9-7 Source:

On November 28 Taifeng Home Textile was granted ※Award for Best Quality Goods in China Home Textile§ with its distinct product features and outstanding product quality on Summit for Product Brand Tunnel Development for China Home Textile or Award Ceremony for Brand Influence Media of China Home Textile.

Taifeng Home Textile products have been sorted as top-grade, with styles of classics and elegance. They have formed eight big series, product mix of six styles, wit exquisite craft combined perfectly with different material. Each product comes of elaborate make and can show beauty of modern design in current market. That is why the product of Taifeng is accepted and favored by businessmen with high aim.