According to Customs Data, the export of textile and clothing accumulated to 70.255 billion USD in first four months, rising 27.05% from the same period last year. The pace of growth was 11.29 percentage points higher from a year ago, or 3.37 percentage points higher than that of first three months. Of which, the textile export was 30.686 billion USD, rising 32.80% on a yearly basis; while the clothing export was 39.569 billion USD, rising 22.92%. The textile export growth was 9.88 percentage points higher than that of clothing. American Market: the export of textile and clothing to the American market was 10.017 billion USD from Jan. to Apr., rising 16.61% on a yearly basis, and accounting for 16.61% of the total export. Of which, the textile export was 3.264 billion USD, rising 15.66%; the clothing export was 6.753 billion USD, rising 17.08%. Based on the latest data from Ministry of Commerce of US on May 27th, the American consumer expense rose 0.4% in April. Taking off the inflation factor, it��s the second month that consumer expense only rose 0.1%. This meant that the price growth in petro, food and daily necessities restrained the American economy recovery. Japanese Market: Since this year, the export of textile and clothing to Japanese market acumulated to 8.525 billion USD, rising 24.48% on a yearly basis, and accounting for 12.13% of the total export. The pace of growth was 28.15 percentage points higher from a year ago. Of which, the textile export was 1.789 billion USD, rising 30.02%; while clothing export was 6.737 billion USD, rising 23.08%. The pace of growth was 22.4 and 29.23 percentage points higher respectively from a year ago. In first two months this year, both the wholesale of textiles, the wholesale and retail of clothing reported recovery. While impacted by the earth quake and nuclear slipping, all the above three indicators dropped obviously. While based on the statistics from Japanese government on April 27th, except the fresh food which undergoing price fluctuation, the consumer price index rose 0.6% in April. This was the first increase in 28 months. EU Market: the export of textile and clothing to the EU market was 14.271 billion USD in first four months, rising 25.76% on a yearly basis. The pace of growth was 9.42 percentage points higher from a year ago. It also accounted for 20.31% of the total export. Of which, the textile export was 4.208 billion USD, rising 24.28%. While clothing export was 10.064 billion USD, rising 26.38%. The pace of growth was 0.79 and 12.84 percentage points higher respectively from a year ago. Based on the latest data from EU economy & finance department, the economy confidence index in EU 27 countries and Euro Zone 17 countries both declinced to 105.1 points and 106.2 points in May 2011. That��s 2.3 and 1.1 points down from that of March. This was the sucessive two month��s decline and reflected the pessimistic expectation of consumer for the whole economic situation of European Union. In the next 12 months, the consumers might save expense to prepare for the possible family financial problem. It��s expected to effect Chinese export of textile and clothing into those countries. By the same time, the survey showed that the consumer��s worry for losing job had lessened. The finance confidence index in EU 27 countries and Euro zone 16 countries reported 1.0 and 3.3 points growth respectively. After successive six month��s decline in orders, the managers had a better expectation for the production in the near future. But the managers also expressed cautious expectation for the new orders and export in the next three months. ASEAN Market: the export of textile and clothing to the ASEAN market was 5.775 billion USD from Jan. to Apr., rising 44.17% on a yearly basis, and accounting for 8.22% of the total export. Of which, the textile export was 4.577 billion USD, rising 62.35%; While clothing export was 1.198 billion USD, rising 0.98%. Comparing to clothing, the texitle still dominated the export into ASEAN market, and rosed quickly. The textile export accounted for 79.26% of the total export to this market. Based on the above data, the economy recovery in European and American were still unstable. The prospect of external demand was unclear for Chinese exporters.