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UK: Seminar to help fashion firms step into exports

Updated: 2011-4-22 Source: Just-Style.

The UK Fashion & Textile Association (UKFT) is holding a seminar next month to offer advice to firms trying to reach overseas buyers through trade shows.

Building on UKFT's many years of experience taking groups of exhibitors to show abroad, the 'First Steps in Export' seminar aims to answer key questions faced by fashion and textile companies.

These include: how can I find out which exhibition is right for me? How can I attract buyers to my stand? How do I know if the people who visit me are good payers? Buyers will all pay up front in Sterling, won't they? Should I let buyers photograph my collection on the stand?

As well as offering practical advice on what to do, what to expect, and how to make the most of your stand, the 90-minute seminar will take participants through the mechanics of showing overseas.
