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SPAIN: Textile exports rise 6%, boosting recovery

Updated: 2011-1-7 Source: just-style

Spain's textile exports rose 6.1% to EUR8.3bn in 2010, the biggest rise in three years, adding a glimmer of hope that the industry can recover some of the losses stemming from surging Asian imports and a sluggish domestic market on the back of a deep recession.

In a statement, leading trade lobby Cityc said the results were "encouraging," though the domestic market continues to flounder as Spanish consumers tighten their belts to survive a stinging recession and soaring unemployment.

Last year's figure compares with exports of EUR7.8bn in 2009 and EUR8bn in 2008.

Cityc said global demand for Spanish apparel and textile products has been rising in recent months and that it's expected to increase in the near term, boosting the sector's fortunes amid heavy losses brought by soaring Asian competition.
