FAISALABAD (June 10 2010): The federal government earmarked Rs 368.7 million for a new project to control biological cotton pests in Pakistan with emphasis on mealy bugs. According to Planning Commission sources, it envisages biological control of cotton pests with emphasis on mealy bug using insect parasites and predators; establish model farms to demonstrate the biological control of IPM of cotton pests using all techniques and approaches including entomopathogenic nematodes, bio-pesticides development, their introduction and promotion at farm level.
A sum of Rs 49.4 million has been allocated for the project in the next year PSDP, sources mentioned. According to official updated reports, cotton production of 12.7 million bales has been reported from an area of 3.2 million hectares, while next target was fixed at 14.01 million bales during the next season.
During the season, official sources claimed that the bulk of cotton area was sown early May. In lower Sindh the crop was sown during earlier part of season for example month of March-April because of scarcity of the routine supply of water. The crop condition in Sindh was exceptionally good due to non-prevalence of pest, sources claimed.
The cotton crop in Punjab fell due to high temperature in the month of August 2009-10 resulting in excessive fruit shedding and attack of sucking pests and cotton leaf curl virus (CLCV). The incidence of CLCV was found at higher level, 83.10 percent as compared to the level of last year ie 54.34 percent. However, it was noted that CLCV affected plants recovered in early sown crop by giving sufficient time to cotton plant to cope with the ill effects. Unauthorised cultivation of Bt Cotton on significant area caused pest infestation, which negatively affected overall productivity.