LAHORE (April 01 2010): Punjab Seed Council (PSC) has approved eight BT cotton varieties and one hybrid variety for cultivation in Punjab whereas two BT cotton varieties have been deferred. Punjab Seed Council held a meeting here on Wednesday. Provincial Agriculture Minister, Malik Ahmad Ali Aulakh, Director Punjab Seed Corporation, Cotton Commissioner (Minfa), Director General Agriculture (Research), Director General Agriculture (Extension) representatives of Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department, Trading Corporation of Pakistan, Cotton Ginners and cotton growers were also present during the meeting. The proposals of 11 varieties of BT Cotton/hybrid evolved by research institutions of the government and private sector were presented in the meeting. While discussing and considering for approval, the breeders of BT cotton varieties presented the case of their varieties for approval by highlighting trial results. After discussing at length and keeping in view the data presented for varieties IR-3701 evolved by Nuclear Institute for Bio-Technology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) Faisalabad, Ali Akbar 703 developed by M/s Ali Akbar Seeds Multan, MG-6 and Sitara-008 developed by M/s Nawab Gurmani Foundation, Kot Addu and M/s Agri. Farm Services Multan respectively were approved for cultivation. Whereas BT varieties including IR-1524 developed by NIBGE, Faisalabad, FH-113 of Cotton Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad, Ali Akbar-802 of M/s. Ali Akbar Seeds, Multan and Neelam-121 developed by M/s. Neelam Seeds, Multan were approved for one year for field performance / monitoring of the varieties. One Hybrid variety GM-2085 developed by M/s. Guard Agricultural Research Services, Raiwind Road, Lahore was also approved. Two BT cotton varieties including CEMB-01 and CEMB-02 developed by Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of Punjab, Lahore were deferred by Punjab Seed Council. The minister said that BT cotton varieties are being approved by PSC for the first time since the process was initiated eight years back. The minister congratulated the breeders for conducting their research. He hoped that cotton production of Punjab would significantly increase through cultivation of these BT varieties, which have effective resistance against Bollworms. The minister also directed the Federal and Provincial government organisations to take strict action against seed companies involved in selling fake and substandard cotton seed. |