National People's Congress and National Committee of CPPCC Annual Sessions 2010 opened on March 3rd and March 5th respectively at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. NPC Deputies and CPPCC members from textile and garment industry were expected to report the current situation of this industry, to exchange their ideas, and take their proposals on how to further develop this industry and ask for support from the authorities. In the past year, with a series of macroeconomic control policies as "promoting growth, enlarging domestic demand and readjusting structure", textile industry grew under a relaxed policy environment and got through from the difficulties beginning at the late half of 2008. While in this year, the economic situation gets more complicated in the post financial crisis era, textile industry has to fight against many uncertain problems. The old extensive mode of development, as well as its accompanying conflicts has not been changed till now. Referring to those problems, Wang Tiankai, the CPPCC member and Vice President of CNTAC said, the major concerns of textile industry in 2010 were industry adjustment and upgrading. He proposed to improve the threshold for access into this industry, encourage the movement of washing out the behindhand products, and support the brand building. Li Rucheng, the NPC deputy and President of Yongor Group proposed that the machinery and equipments in the "encouraging list" should be exempted from tax. Sun Yingan, the NPC deputy and chairman of Hubei Xiaomian Group proposed to increase woker's salary and formulate tax-free regulations for agricultural products, then to benefit manufacturers who purchased cotton.