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China National Textile& Apparel Council Succeeded in Leadership Change Mr. Wang Tiankai Elected President

Updated: 2011-11-25 Source: China Textile Leader

On November 11th, China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)convened the third council conference, Mr. Wang Tiankai was elected president of the Council. Mr. Chen Shujin, Mr. Gao Yong, Mr. Zhang Yankai, Mr. Sun Ruizhe(the Editor in Chief of China Textile Leader), Mr. Xu Wenying, Ms. Zhang Li, Mr. Yang Jichao and Mr. Xia Lingmin were elected vice presidents and Mr. Gao Yong was elected secretary-general as well. The conference comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work of the second council, in the mean while, it fully arranged implementation of"Tewlfth Five-year Plan"of Chinese textile industry. The conference is very important as it is of connection and brilliance with future.


The new leadership of CNTAC(from left to right): Mr. Yang Jichao, Mr. Xu Wenying, Mr. Zhang Yankai, Mr. Chen Shujin, Mr. Wang Tiankai, Mr. Gao Yong, Mr. Sun Ruizhe, Ms. Zhang Li, Mr. Xia Lingmin

China Textile Leader