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COTTON USA Cotton School in China

Updated: 2012-3-21 Source: Cotton Council international (CCI)

Cotton Council international (CCI) sponsors the fourth COTTON USA Cotton School. It will gather over 180 representatives of 97 renowned cotton textile enterprises from China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. During the two-day session, professionals from the U.S. cotton industry, senior representatives from Chinese and Southeast Asian cotton textile enterprises, and government officers from China Cotton Association and China National Textile and Apparel Council will deliver speeches.

Topics covered will include U.S. cotton varieties, growing regions, the U.S. cotton classification system, planting, production and application, as well as the purchase procedures of raw cotton and risk management. During the event, CCI will also hold panel discussions to exchange ideas about the current status of the global, Chinese and U.S. cotton and textile industries.

CCI has held the COTTON USA Cotton School in China every two years since 2006 to enable the cotton textile enterprises in China and Southeast Asia to develop a more in-depth understanding of the U.S. cotton industry.