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  Grob Horgen AG
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In the weaving mills all over the world, is recognized as the most-reliable and leading supplier of weaving machine accessories.
GROB products including healdsŁ» heald framesŁ» warp stop motionsŁ» and drop wires are the "state of the art" in the weaving industry and are most appreciated by our customers
GROB Textile AG is a privately-owned company that maintains a concentration on product development in a tradition that dates back over 110 years. With headquarters in Switzerland, over 700 employees world-wide are engaged daily in the delivery of products for the benefit of the weaving industry.

GROB quality means reliabilityŁ» first-class productsŁ» continuityŁ» and technical know-how. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

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10 scores 2009-12-11pass verification
0 scores Use General service for 1 year
0 scores International authority certificate 0 pieces,Basiec certificate 0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces
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