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Founded in 1972 by Denisarth Steagall, Cotema outstanded itself in its first activities through the mechanical components nationalization. In 1975, solid standing over a qualified experience in this mechanical branch, decided to create many products lines to manufacture, when were developed the maneuvers tools, till then without similar in Brazil and components to high power railroad and marine engines applications.
After years of development, many work time, investments, overseas training and valuable collaboration of brazilian costumers.
Cotema is settled in a 24.000 m2 area Santa Barbara d’Oeste/SP with 3.500 m2 of buildings comprising production plant and offices, with reserved space to double the area, without compromising the ecologic balance, which is part of the Cotema business police.
The Quality Guarantee system represents the major concern of the board, to assure the liability of its products ruled by the ISO 9001-2000




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10 scores 2009-12-8pass verification
0 scores Use General service for 1 year  
0 scores International authority certificate 0 pieces,Basic certificate0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces
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