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Since our inception in 2002 we have developed an extensive network of customers and suppliers in more than 63 countries.

We work as a partner with all our customers and suppliers just like their internal team.
With our professional approach and team work we ensure that all your international sourcing and marketing goals are accomplished with ease and grace.

Ultimately our goal is to contribute to your business by making the right product available at the right place at the right time and at the right price.

We are committed to a partnership beyond deal making or buying and selling activities. We have structured our team, systems and process to manage all activities pertaining to international buying and selling on your behalf. At the same time you have access to the complete and online information at your finger tips 24*7.

Within the short span of 7 years, the huge amount of orders we executed and the range of textile materials we catered to, speak about our capabilities as service providers.




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Company ID verification
10 scores 2009-12-19pass verification
0 scores Use General service for 1 year  
0 scores International authority certificate 0 pieces,Basic certificate0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces
0 scores
Praise 0 pieces,Middle0 pieces,Criticism 0 pieces

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