RG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd RG Foster Textile Machinery LtdRG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd RG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd RG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd RG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd RG Foster Textile Machinery Ltd
Main products:
spinning machine,weaving machine Leader:
Company Type:
Production, Trade Tel:
44 115 988 2222 Area:
Nottingham Mobile:
0 Website:
http://linux.foster-tm.co.uk Fax:
Business place :Nottingham E-mail:
Company ID verification
10 scores
2011-1-31 Pass verification
0 scores
Use General service for 1 year
Certificate and honor
0 scores
International authority certificate 0 pieces, Basic certificate0 pieces, Other certificates 0 pieces
Member evaluation
0 scores
Praise0 pieces,Middle 0 pieces,Criticism 0 pieces
Duty-free declaration: The above information is provided by the company which is responsible for the trueness accuracy and validity of the content. Texglobe - textile and garment industry will take no responsibilityto ensure it.