Our company locates in Yichun city, have 1100 workers, 10000 spindles of long fiber,10000 spindles of short fiber, Rapier Looms 156 sets. With annual production of Grey Yarn 1800tons,Dyed Yarn 900tons, Linen/ramie Grey and Yarn-Dyed Fabric 6.8 million meter, Dyed Fabric 3 million meter. Our Linen/Ramie products adopts technology of special crumble-resistant,iron-free process, have functions as soft, straight, heat-radiative, moisture-dispelling, warm in winter and cool in summer, it is enjoy popular market in European, American, Japan, Korea & other Southeast Asian countries. Supplying high quality products with competitive price to the customers, offer them the best services, be an active organization to give every customers high possible reliability. with the help of efficient workforce, we are trying to serve our customers punctually with our quality products.
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