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  CEAM (Northern Milanese Export Consortium)

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CEAM (Northern Milanese Export Consortium) associates a highly qualified group made up of 25 small to medium-sized mechanised textile companies located in a vast industrial area adjoining Milan. It was incorporated in 1991 in Busto Arsizio thus completing the Italian districts in the sector already operating in the regions of Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto.
The CEAM companies together develop a turnover which exceeds 350 million Euro a year, with a work force of approximately 1.000 employees. Most of the technologically highly advanced production is destined for export while the companies belonging to the group can be classified in the following commodity sectors: Spinning 2 – Weaving 5 – Dyeing 1 – Finishing 14 – Fumes Cleaning Technology 1 – Sensors & Feeding 1 – Checking and Packing 1.
Its participation in over one hundred international exhibitions, its exports undergoing constant growth, its accurate post-marketing assistance, its investments in research, its competitiveness which heightens the cost-benefit ratio, represent decisive elements for further qualifying the production of the Consortium.
A production system of the utmost importance in that it is aimed – and is the only consortium in Italy to do so – at completing the textile production range and at rendering homogeneous the group destined to become the preferential interlocutor in international relations.
Most of Ceam companies will be directly at Itma Asia and/or with their Representatives and the waiting for the high technology exposed is lively.




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10 scores 2009-12-7pass verification
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0 scores International authority certificate 0 pieces,Basic certificate0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces
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