The name COMEZ stands out in the industrial sector of the province of Pavia, and is a global leader in machinery technology for the production of narrow fabrics: "Crochet Knitting Machines", "Weaving Needle Looms" and "Double Needle Bed Warp Knitting Machines". With over 200 employees, and 85% of its turnover generated by exports, COMEZ boasts tens of thousands of its machines installed in five continents the world over. Thanks to the support of dozens of retail agents and the presence of subsidiaries in the U.S.A., CANADA, the P.R. of CHINA and MEXICO, COMEZ guarantees its global customers efficient, prompt and thorough after sales service. |
Details |
Company ID verification |
10 scores |
2009-12-21 |
Experience |
0 scores |
General Use Suppliers service for 1 year |
Certificate and honor |
0scores |
Operation permitted certificate 0 pieces,Product certificate 0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces |
Member evaluation |
0scores |
Praise 0 pieces,Middle 0 pieces,Criticism 0 pieces |
Duty-free declaration:The above information is provided by the company which is responsible for the trueness accuracy and validity of the content. Texglobe- will take no responsibilityto ensure it. |