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Tianjin: New Ethylene Project of Sinopec Goes on-stream

Updated: 2010-2-8 Source:

The one-million-tons ethylene project and its supporting projects initiated by Sinopec Tianjin were fully put into operation on January 16. The project mainly involves four major parts; one million tons of ethylene, 10 million tons of oil refineries, thermal power engineering and outside projects, with 205 main items in total. The whole project covers an area of 297 hectares, main construction investment reached 26.8 billion Yuan and together with supporting projects, the investment amounted to 34.0 billion Yuan. The project began construction on June 26, 2006.


With this new addition, the project will increase refining processing capacity of Tianjin Petrochemical to 15 million tons / year, ethylene production capacity to 1.2 million tons / year, making Tianjin Petrochemical the nation's largest ethylene producer and the largest oil refining and processing base in north China. It will provide 5.87 million tons of high quality refined oil per year, 3.2 million tons of ethylene and other basic chemical raw materials per year, 1.5 million tons of high-end synthetic resin and fibers, 750,000 tons of liquefied gas and other products.


According to estimates, the project can boost more than 4 percent of total industrial output value of Tianjin and bring about 100 billion Yuan of investment in downstream industries and supporting projects.