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Italian textile machinery seminar in Dhaka

Updated: 2010-2-6 Source: Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufactu

The Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) and the Italian Trade Commission will hold a technological seminar on Italian textile machinery: the way to improve Bangladesh textile competitiveness in Dhaka on next March 9th.

During the seminar some leading Italian companies (Bellini,Comez, Danti, Fadis, Jaeggli, Marzoli, Obem, Pentek, Plm, Reggiani, Roj, Salmoiraghi, Santoni, Savio, Unitech) will show their own case history regarding the Italian leadership in the textile machinery industry, giving an overview of its updated technologies to the Bangladeshi textile operators.

The seminar attended by an institutional delegation of ACIMIT, leaded by President Mr. Sandro Salmoiraghi, will represent an occasion for some meetings between ACIMIT Board representatives and the main authorities of the Bangladesh textile sector and some Country's textile association.

The seminar is part of a promotional program that ACIMIT and Italian Trade Commission have been realizing for many years in order to strengthen the links between Italian textile technology providers and the local textile operators. The promotional initiatives of this program includes many technological workshops (the last one occurred in Dhaka in 2008) and training courses in Italy (the last one in 2009).

The upgrading of installed equipments is considered by Bangladesh companies necessary for increasing the competitiveness of local industry. In order to reach this goal many investments in foreign textile technology were accomplished in the last years. The demand of Italian textile machinery from local companies was very strong in the last five years. During 2004-2008 period imports of Italian textile machinery grew at an annual rate of 17%.

In 2008 Italian sales to Bangladesh went up to Euro 41 million from Euro 31 million in 2007, confirming Bangladesh as the third leading Asian market behind only China and India. In the first nine months of 2009 Italian manufacturers delivered technology to Bangladesh??s market worth around Euro 18 million.

During the period from January to September 2009 sales of Italian machinery to Bangladesh were distributed as follows: finishing machinery 58% of total, spinning machines 17%, weaving machines 14%, accessories 10% and knitting machines 1%.

"Going to Bangladesh ?? ACIMIT President, Mr. Salmoiraghi, says - our main goal is to strengthen the relationship between Italian textile machinery manufacturers and Bangladesh textile industry and to acquaint Bangladeshi operators with excellence, quality and creativity of Italian textile machinery industry".