With a plus of visitors and more then 50 exhibitors the Performance Days functional fabrics roadshow continues its success.
Besides the sportswear people more and more workwear manufacturers visit the Performance Days to find the most developed high performance fabrics for their products. This is also reflected by the shown collections and products of the exhibitors. At the November 2009 events in Munich, Stockholm and Verona almost all participants gave a positive feedback and were content with the generated business. Especially Munich with some of the biggest European sportswear manufacturers like Puma,Adidas or VAUDE in its wider trading area proves to be the central location of the Performance Days.
Moreover visitors from other European countries like UK, Italy, Czech Republic, the Benelux, Finland, Swizerland and Austria attended the Munich event. Due to the steadily rising numbers of visitors and to give all attendees more time for their business the Performance Days organizers have decided to extend the fair in Munich from two to three days.Furthermore the decision was made to position Munich as the fixed main location and to concentrate on one further changing location in different core-centres of European sportswear industry.
By this flexible second location Performance Days can even more respond to the wishes of exhibitors and visitors who want to enter new markets or to have the roadshow also in their own country. At the next Performance Days in April 2010, the city of Annecy, located in the French Alps, will be the roadshow stop besides Munich. Annecy is the centre of the French Sportswear industry and at the moment noticed with a special focus since it bids in competition with Munich and Pyeongchang for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in 2018.
The organizers of Performance Days are looking forward to a successful and interesting roadshow, which will be held from April 13th - 15th in Munich/Germany and April 19th - 20th in Annecy/France, showing the new collections for both winter 11/12 and summer 12. |