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China to further improve supervision system of capital flow

Updated: 2009-9-22 Source: China Daily

China's foreign exchange regulator said Monday at an internal meeting that it will strengthen the management of capital flows, preventing massive capital outflow and influx in a bid to safeguard the country's financial security amid a global economic downturn.

The State Adminstration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said it eill place priority on facilitating a balance of international payments as there are still uncertainties in international capital flows and international payments.

The SAFE vowed to enhance the statistical and supervisory system for cross-border funds, and to continue to optimize the emergency mechanism of international payments.

It pledged to promote product innovation in the foreign exchange market, offering more risk-avoiding tools to enterprises.

It will also provide more convenience to legal foreign exchange business activities of all kinds of market players, stepping up to improve the cancel-after-verification mechanism in receiving and payments in the country's import and export business.