Ever since my parents could wiggle me into a pink bunny costume with built-in footie pajamas, I have been a complete Halloween freak. Not the typical cover-myself-in-blood-and-play-with-a-Ouija-board kind of freak, but one that obsesses over every detail and gets legitimately mad at people who just stick Halloween in the category of Hallmark cash cows. The most crucial aspect for me has always been my costume, the outfit with a night-long lifespan that can either make a statement or fall flat like molded pumpkin pie. To deter anyone from a dreaded ensemble faux pas, I have assembled a Divine Comedy of the Seven Deadly Sins of Halloween Fashion, and how you can avoid them. 1. The "too soon" costume is bound to appear this year, following the recent deaths of pop culture icons like Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze and Farrah Fawcett. 2. As Lindsay Lohan put it in "Mean Girls": "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. 3. At every Halloween party, there is always "that guy" without a costume. 4. Overspending is a major Halloween sin. 5. Couples who come in costume together are risky. Opting for something straightforward, like Bonnie and Clyde or Caesar and Cleopatra, makes paired costumes exciting. 6. With most of your focus directed toward what is happening below the neckline, it is easy to forget about the magic of makeup. Cosmetics giant MAC has just assembled a look book of makeup layouts good enough to stand alone as costumes, making it even easier for the artistically challenged to paint their way to a more chic Halloween costume. 7. Perhaps the most deadly of all Halloween sins is thinking inside the box. Witches, fairies and cats are a dime a dozen and drain the holiday of its creative rapport. Even if you earn the occasional "I can't believe she's wearing that!" comment,