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  Christoph Burckhardt AG
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Burckhardt products have to meet high standards. Customer satisfaction is our uppermost goal and proof of our quality.
We seek to strengthen our leading position by providing solutions in the area of Perforating, Fibrillating and Precision Parts specialties.
We produce and market innovative products and solutions of high quality using state-of-the-art technology for unmet needs.
We act towards our partners, customers, suppliers, competitors and the government in a responsible, correct and ethical manner.
We believe that the success of our company depends on the combined talents and performance of dedicated employees. Therefore we want everyone in the organisation to work under optimal conditions of health and safety.The wellbeing of the company is synonym to our employees¡¯ benefit.
As part of our commitment towards sustainable development we proactively seek to employ new, more sustainable technologies and processes and to minimise our impact on the environment.

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Company ID verification
10 scores 2009-12-8passverification
0 scores Use General servce for 1 year 
Certificate and honor
0 scores International authority certificate 0 pieces£¬ Basic certificate 0 pieces£¬ Other certificates 0 pieces
Praise 0 pieces£¬Middle0 pieces£¬Criticism 0 pieces

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