Our Firm The " Erhardt + Leimer Italy company originally had a sales department in Florence which was dedicated to promotion and distribution to the converting sector. This department was directly controlled by head office in Augsburg (Germany).The concern became a limited liability company on 28 November 1980 with the name Erhardt + Leimer S.r.l. The company continued in business and in May 1987 a sales department for the textile sector was established in Bergamo, formally returning as a subsidiary of Head Office and suspending relations with the pre-existing company agent.On 2 May 1989, head office decided to transfer the registered office from Florence to Bergamo, thus re-merging the two firms. The merger took place officially in February 1990 to coincide with the appointment of the present company managers.In October 1991 contracts with the other companies were completed thus finalizing the structure and synergy of the company.In September 1992, Erhardt + Leimer moved to new premises more suitable for the companys development program. Productive business began in 1993 using the strategies of Head Office to support commercial activity. Reaching the targets in the intermediate phases corresponded to a considerable growth in turnover. In 1999 Erhardt + Leimer Italia, which has its offices in Stezzano (Bergamo), was designated the groups CENTRE OF COMPETENCE FOR THE MACHINERY PROGRAM pertaining to European, Asian and African markets. From 1999 to the present day, E+L has acquired an important position within a sector where research and innovative technology have always been the principles of strategic decisions". |