In 1959, Barudan produced the first multi-head embroidery machine in Japan. Since then, as a leader in the industry, we have developed many products with superior value and the highest quality customer service for worldwide distribution. Today, our products are used in over 100 countries. As always our goal is to grow with our valued customers, based on our corporate motto, "Working in Harmony". |
Details |
Company ID verification |
10 scores |
2009-12-21 |
Experience |
0 scores |
General Use Suppliers service for 1 year |
Certificate and honor |
0scores |
Operation permitted certificate 0 pieces,Product certificate 0 pieces,Other certificates 0 pieces |
Member evaluation |
0scores |
Praise 0 pieces,Middle 0 pieces,Criticism 0 pieces |
Duty-free declaration:The above information is provided by the company which is responsible for the trueness accuracy and validity of the content. Texglobe- will take no responsibilityto ensure it. |