Business information issued in Texglobe is mainly divided in to three categories, including selling information, buying information and company information. When users input key words in the search box to search business information, the results will be ordered in accordance with the search engine collation.
1, Collation of searching selling information.
1, Firstly, look at the information match level. Search engine will give priority to showing the result which matches better. The higher the match level is, the more prior the result is put.
(1)Generally speaking, if the key words users input displayed completely in the selling information title or selling information details, we conclude that the match level is good. For example, when you input "Garments", the follows are all information with good match level.
Title or Details = "** Garments**", "Garments**", "*Garments*".
Because Texglobe boasts huge amount of company and business information, we will first display one of the latest information with good match level of every company for one time, trying to give the chance to more clients. Then will display all information of the company. For this reason, although one company issued pieces of information with good match level, only the latest one will be given the priority.
(2) Information with common match level refers to that the key words you input only displayed partly in selling information title or selling information details. For example, When you input "control valve", the follows are all information with common match level:
Title or Details = "**Garments**" or "**Clothes"
(3) Information with common match lever will be put after that with good match level.
The match level principle is the major principle of search selling information, for business information search engine will do all it can do to display the information you mostly need. If it is against the match level principle, that is, if the information issued by the company is not related to the key words the user input, the information will not be displayed in the results, or it will be set afterwards for its lower match level.
(1)Information title must accurately describe the product. For example, "LL5006 Western-style Clothes" should not be written as "LL5006", or you could not find the information you need when you search information related to "western-style clothes".
(2)Please select the category (industry and product category content) carefully when issuing information in order to avoid not being found just because of inaccurate selection of category. For example, we assume the information you issued belongs to "Cloth" category. If you select "Grey clothes" when issuing your information, users could not find the information of your company in the "Cloth" category.
3, Last, issue time principle.. Information issued by companies in the same member class with the same match level will be ordered in accordance with the time it's issued, with the latest information on the top of the page. And time principle means topping the latest information can assure the latest and most time effective information will be given the chance to show first.
Please load Texglobe administrative system to issue information as frequently as you can so as to keep the time effect of the information you issued, which will help you top the information and increase the opportunity of being favored by the clients.
What's more, selling information can be reordered by the credit index. That is, information with the same match level will be ordered according to the credit index. Information with higher credit index will be set on the top of the page. Information with the same match level and credit index will be ordered according to the time it issued, with the latest information on the top of the page.
2, Collation of searching buying information.
More or less the same with that of searching selling information
3, Collation of searching company information.
The company can only be searched when the key words completely show in the company list. And all results will be ordered according to the credit index of companies, from higher to lower. Therefore, increasing the credit index of your company will give your company a good position in the search results.